
At Harleston Dental and Aesthetic Clinic, Tabeo offers an interest-free 12-month loan for a cost-effective therapy plan.

Tabeo Finance at Harleston Dental and Aesthetics Clinic

Tabeo Finance

If you're worried about the expense of your dental procedure, or are uncertain about the most suitable payment option, we're here to ease your burden. We offer interest-free finance through Tabeo, enabling you to spread the cost of your treatment over a period of up to 12 months, without needing any initial payment. To get started, simply fill out a short application form. It's a simple procedure, and we're on hand to help you through it. This information is instantly forwarded to the lending company, and a response is usually immediate. 

Your monthly payments will be based on your specific treatment and the amount you choose to borrow. We can guide you through the various repayment structures. You'll only pay for the treatment you actually undergo, ensuring dental care remains accessible whenever needed. We can commence the treatment once the credit agreement is signed and received.

Quick, Easy & Confidential Loan Application

Benefits to you

Experience seamless care as our patient. Apply in a minute and get instant decisions. Verify availability through a soft check. Manage your loan payments online.

Don't delay therapy. Delaying could make treatment complex, invasive, and costly.

Boost your confidence and smile with interest-free, dental treatments from us.

Our finance partner, Tabeo can spread your treatment cost over 12 monthly payments.

Apply and get a quick decision. Start repaying only after 1 month post-therapy.